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  • gspencer16

Day 74 - the race to Interstate 15 (29.1 miles)

Updated: Aug 13, 2022

July 22, 2021

Miles: 29.1 miles

Steps: 63,596

It was tough waking up at 4am but it’s much easier when you have a deadline.

I found out why no bugs last night. As I was falling asleep I saw lots of bats flying around, they scared all the bugs away.

It was still pretty dark when I got to hiking around 4:45am so had to use my headlamp for the first hour. I also played music out loud that first hour as well in case a bear was sleeping on or near the trail and wanted to scare it off before getting there, no bear sighting yet.

I had to climb out of the thick forest which I never like doing first thing in the morning. Right as it was getting light enough to where I didn’t need my light I made it out into the opening.

Had rolling hills through a burn section. I saw about 20-25 elk hanging out by a small pond. They ran off before I could get a good picture. They were making some weird noises as they ran off.

Soon I started my 2nd climb of the day which was much hardier which took me up to the ridge. Right on the ridge was a herd of sheep along with a herder and his dogs.

Nearby was a nice spring so took my morning break, got in over 12 miles by 9:30am. I did have the dogs come by to say hi before I left.

Had a downhill before making one more climb for the day up to the next ridge. I stayed on this ridge a little longer.

The last 7 miles of the day were all downhill to I-15 on a dirt road so I made great time. I ended up getting to the road by 3:30pm so had time to kill until my ride showing up at 5pm. I did text the guy because I wasn’t sure where I was actually being picked up. I got a reply quickly and said up on the interstate. I thought he might show up earlier but never heard back. Then while I was hanging out under the bridge I hear a honk and it’s my ride. I had to jump the fence and climb up the hill and get onto I-15. This worked out nicely as I got to the motel about an hour earlier than expected.

I ended up getting a shower and washing clothes before talking with my parents.

I hung out the rest of the time. Went over to the gas station a few times to get food. The nearby diner was closed as not much in the town of Lima. Also took an epsom salt soak before bed.

I’ll sleep in and not head back to the trail until around noon. I do have to pick up my resupply box from the post office. Also need to figure out my hiking route from here as the fire closures keeps growing so it looks like I have a long road walk in my future. I’ll figure all that in the morning.

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