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  • gspencer16

Day 27: CS573 to Robin Bird Spring (29.1 miles - 602.0)

Updated: Aug 22, 2019

June 3, 2016 - Woke up this morning to no wind at all which was surprising because of how bad it was when I went to sleep.

I took off just before 6am, trying to hike in the cool morning air before it got too hot. It was about 11 miles to the next water source and figured 2 liters was enough which turned out to be just right. Soon after leaving camp I was swarmed by bugs so I had to use my head net again, almost the whole morning. The morning hike was in the woods and about half on a dirt road so that made the hiking a little easier.

At the first water stop for the day I came across several hikers there trying to fill up. The water source was a spring with a slow flow and only one spot to collect water from so we all had to take turns filling up a liter at a time. I filtered 5 liters with 4 to pack out and 1 to drink. I should have drank more but it was taking too long and it was starting to heat up.

I had 18 miles to the next water source, I’m in the middle of one of the longest and driest sections on the trail. About halfway hiking for the day I took my long lunch break. By the time I got there I was pretty wiped out from the heat, as I got to the campsite the person leaving told me it was already 100 degrees.

I hung out for about 2.5 hours then decided that was long enough. It felt cooler and I had my umbrella. Those first 2 miles from camp were rough, all uphill and in the sun, luckily I had my umbrella otherwise that would have been more miserable. Once at the top I entered a pine forest. I debated on putting my umbrella up but figured I would be out in the open again, turns out I stayed in the woods the rest of the time.

That 4 liters didn’t last as long as I thought but I was rationing it well. I was pretty dehydrated by the end of the day. All I could think about was getting to that next water source. I was so focused on it that I missed the 600 mile mark on the trail but another hike sent me his picture of it.

I got to camp and filled up all my water containers and filled myself up with water as well. I ended up drinking way too much and ended up throwing up after dinner.

Plan to wake up early and hike while it’s cool since it’s suppose to be another hot one. I have a water source about 6 miles ahead then the next water source after that is 43 miles. There are rumors of some water caches but one should never rely on them.

Almost forgot while setting up my tent I realized I lost a tent stake which is no good. However, right next to my tent site I see a stake left by someone else, lucky me.

More windmills in the desert

Hiking during the hot part of the day with not much shade

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