May 23, 2016 - That was a windy night. I really wasn’t able to set my tent up properly because I had such a small space to work with. There were a few other people that took the better spots but that’s what I get for rolling into camp late.
I decided to wake up early, 5am, and get an early start since I figured I had a lot of exposed walking ahead. Had a hiked about a mile farther yesterday I would had the perfect spot to pitch my tent.
The morning hiked went well as it was all downhill then had short road walk. Right before I got to Silverwood Lake I came across a cooler with trail magic (drinks and food). I had plenty of food so I left it for the next hikers.
Soon after the trail magic I had a short/steep climb up to Silverwood Lake. I then followed along the northern bank towards the camping area. There I filled up on water since it would be my last water stop for 13 miles. While at the campground I make a call to the tv guy back home about doing a short phone interview about my hike.
After food and water I loaded up and took off towards Cajon Pass and McDonald’s. I really loaded up on water since I figured it would be very hot and exposed but turned out the weather stayed very cool on the day with the nice breeze.
I had actually hiked part of this section before on my road trip out west a few years ago so I knew what to expect. The hike was pretty nice. I ended up hiking the last 4 miles with a guy from Australia.
Arrived at Cajon Pass around 3pm and went straight to the Best Western to pick up my mail drop. I had thought about staying the night at the hotel which is why I had my boxed shipped there. I was feeling good and wanted to get in a few more miles after dinner while it was still cool out. Plus the longer you stay in town the more money you spend.
I then went back to McDonald’s and load up on burgers and fries. I hung around there until about 6pm with the other hikers. We took up almost half of the tables. At one point a woman and girl walk by to go to the bathroom and both held their noses, I guess we all must have smelled bad. I’ve gotten to the point I don’t notice.
I finally leave Cajon Pass and get in 5 more miles. I planned to take it slowly since I had a full load of water and 5 days of food. Had to have enough water for the next 20 miles.
It’s windy again tonight but I think I got my tent set up better. I’m camping alone as the guys I left McDonald’s with decided to camp a few miles back. There weren’t many camping options which is why I had to keep going.